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The Librarian

by William Jackson on 2004-04-24

Thick-rimmed glasses:
The ones that came back in style last year.
You canʼt get them out of your mind, you know the kind.They seem to whisper, “Thereʼs more than meets the eye over here.”

Youʼve never seen her let her hair down,And you never will, you fear.
But “The hair does not the woman make,” for heavenʼs sake.Thereʼs more than meets the eye over here.

She reads Snow White,
And one day her Prince Charming will appear.
Without so much as a second look, sheʼll put down her book.Thereʼs more than meets the eye over here.

Oblivious men (but I repeat myself),
Who havenʼt got ears to hearThe honey-sweet song in each “Hello”, will never know
Thereʼs more than meets the eye over here.