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Eight Point Eight Slash Ten

by William Jackson on 2005-01-28

Image: Twoʼd!!

8.8/10. I just rated my day. My sistersʼ habits are rubbingoff on me.

Of course, I completely understand how premature it is of me to rate theday before it is over. Any number of good and/or bad occurences couldchange this score before sundown. Or midnight, depending on yourreckoning. And the word on the street is I have some serious bad luckcoming, because yesterday I was walking around the Flawn AcademicCenter with my umbrella wide open. Everyone knows itʼs healthierfor an umbrella to dry wide open.

Why didnʼt I give today a nice, round nine? Because I havenʼt doneanything extremely interesting. I started work at 07:45 and have beenhere ever since. I ate Taco Bell for lunch. It isnʼt raininganymore. Rain would definitely have pulled the score up at least a tenthof a point.

Well, why didnʼt I give today a nice, round eight? Because todayʼs gotpotential. I am reburning the DVD of which I spoke previously, becausethere were some problems with it. Iʼm hoping everything will be betterthis time around. Iʼm definitely hopeful. Definitely.

[Update 2005-01-28 16:00] Success! Iʼm tempted to bump the score to 9.0,but letʼs not be hasty.