Listen with Your Spiritual Ears
by William Jackson on 2005-11-06
In Sacrament Meeting Kevin said, “Listen with your spiritualears.” That made me want to somehow draw a gospel lesson out ofsomething that happened to me last week. So here we go.
At work, Archana brought her computer to be fixed. It was having someserious trouble. She told me that she had four other people look at it,and all of them told her it was beyond repair. They suggested she shouldcompletely wipe it and start over.
I took a look and told Archana it could be fixed.
It wasnʼt easy. She spent over five hours at the Help Desk, but all (ormost, depending on your point of view) of her problems were repaired.
Here comes the lesson: When our lives get screwed up, there are plentyof people that will tell us to give up. We shouldnʼt listen to them.What we should do is go where we know we can get help: Jesus Christ.
Getting our problems fixed (repenting) isnʼt easy. It takes a long timeand requires great sacrifice on our part. Thatʼs the only way to get ourlives back in order, though.
And when weʼre all forgiven, we can give our Eldest Brother a big hugand get back to work.